@ -75,29 +75,6 @@ func main() {
foo := x.(*MyStruct)
// ...
// If you store a reference type like a pointer, slice, map or channel, you
// do not need to run Set if you modify the underlying data. The cached
// reference points to the same memory, so if you modify a struct whose
// pointer you've stored in the cache, retrieving that pointer with Get will
// point you to the same data:
foo := &MyStruct{Num: 1}
c.Set("foo", foo, cache.DefaultExpiration)
// ...
x, _ := c.Get("foo")
foo := x.(*MyStruct)
// ...
// ...
x, _ := c.Get("foo")
foo := x.(*MyStruct)
// will print:
// 1
// 2