`go-mitmproxy` is a Golang implementation of [mitmproxy](https://mitmproxy.org/) that supports man-in-the-middle attacks and parsing, monitoring, and tampering with HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
- Parses HTTP/HTTPS traffic and displays traffic details via a [web interface](#web-interface).
- Supports a [plugin mechanism](#adding-functionality-by-developing-plugins) for easily extending functionality. Various event hooks can be found in the [examples](./examples) directory.
- HTTPS certificate handling is compatible with [mitmproxy](https://mitmproxy.org/) and stored in the `~/.mitmproxy` folder. If the root certificate is already trusted from a previous use of `mitmproxy`, `go-mitmproxy` can use it directly.
- Refer to the [configuration documentation](#additional-parameters) for more features.
> For more information on the difference between manually setting a proxy and transparent proxy mode, please refer to the mitmproxy documentation for the Python version: [How mitmproxy works](https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/concepts-howmitmproxyworks/). go-mitmproxy currently supports "Explicit HTTP" and "Explicit HTTPS" as mentioned in the article.
The certificate needs to be installed after the first startup to parse HTTPS traffic. The certificate will be automatically generated after the first startup command and stored in `~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem`. Installation steps can be found in the Python mitmproxy documentation: [About Certificates](https://docs.mitmproxy.org/stable/concepts-certificates/).