@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ import (
func loadConfig() *Config {
config := new(Config)
flag.IntVar(&config.debug, "debug", 0, "debug mode: 1 - print debug log, 2 - show debug from")
flag.BoolVar(&config.version, "version", false, "show version")
flag.StringVar(&config.addr, "addr", ":9080", "proxy listen addr")
flag.StringVar(&config.webAddr, "web_addr", ":9081", "web interface listen addr")
flag.BoolVar(&config.sslInsecure, "ssl_insecure", false, "not verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates.")
flag.StringVar(&config.dump, "dump", "", "dump filename")
flag.IntVar(&config.dumpLevel, "dump_level", 0, "dump level: 0 - header, 1 - header + body")
flag.StringVar(&config.mapperDir, "mapper_dir", "", "mapper files dirpath")
flag.StringVar(&config.certPath, "cert_path", "", "path of generate cert files")
flag.Var((*arrayValue)(&config.ignoreHosts), "ignore_hosts", "a list of ignore hosts")
flag.Var((*arrayValue)(&config.allowHosts), "allow_hosts", "a list of allow hosts")
flag.BoolVar(&config.Version, "version", false, "show version")
flag.StringVar(&config.Addr, "addr", ":9080", "proxy listen addr")
flag.StringVar(&config.WebAddr, "web_addr", ":9081", "web interface listen addr")
flag.BoolVar(&config.SslInsecure, "ssl_insecure", false, "not verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates.")
flag.Var((*arrayValue)(&config.IgnoreHosts), "ignore_hosts", "a list of ignore hosts")
flag.Var((*arrayValue)(&config.AllowHosts), "allow_hosts", "a list of allow hosts")
flag.StringVar(&config.CertPath, "cert_path", "", "path of generate cert files")
flag.IntVar(&config.Debug, "debug", 0, "debug mode: 1 - print debug log, 2 - show debug from")
flag.StringVar(&config.Dump, "dump", "", "dump filename")
flag.IntVar(&config.DumpLevel, "dump_level", 0, "dump level: 0 - header, 1 - header + body")
flag.StringVar(&config.MapperDir, "mapper_dir", "", "mapper files dirpath")
return config